[Animeclub] Meeting Today Cancelled + Info for Next Week!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Fri Apr 10 16:00:06 EDT 2015


Hey Everybody, 

Sadly, we must cancel our screening tonight because the CLPP Conference
starts this evening. :c We didn't realize it was this weekend, and we
apologize for not letting you know sooner. 

HOWEVER, next week we'll be having a lot of fun! We're planning on
getting some snacks and possibly baking cookies to bring, and if
everybody brought in food of their own, we could have a MARATHON with a
BIG POTLUCK FEAST! Just because we can't buy food doesn't mean we can't
band together and get our own! Friendship! The true hot-blooded shounen
protagonist spirit!!! 

WHOA, that makes us wanna grab a drill and pierce the heavens. Phew. 

But seriously, next week we'll be staying up a bit later and watching a
few extra episodes of everything in our lineup! We'll take all the fun
we missed this week and cram it into next week! BAM! It'd be awesome if
everybody brought just a little food somethings of their own then, too! 

Until next week, little memes! 

- ♪ ☆ Gabriella ☆ ♪ 

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