Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Thu Sep 25 14:47:03 EDT 2014



Lots of good news! 

First off, for those of you attending AAC, we are now OFFICIALLY BOOKED!
You've been registered for the con, and we have our hotel. Please check
your hampshire emails in the next week or so, as I'm sure they'll send a
notification that you've been registered of some kind (but if not don't
worry, you are indeed good to go). And just so you know, if for any
reason you can't go that ISN'T a family/medical/other emergency, you
will have to pay the CLA back the $45 for your ticket. Let's hope it
doesn't come to that. :C We will need a finalized attendance list by
October 9th at the latest, so please keep in touch with us signers if
something comes up!! 

And pleeeease remember to bring valid ID with you, which unfortunately
CANNOT be your Hampshire ID. You need a driver's license, passport,
actual ID card, some form of government-issued identification. They will
turn you away if you don't have it!! Please please remember this. We
want you to have fun. ;; 

In the spring, we'll be booking our annual trip to Anime Boston, which
has a larger student cap size (but I promise we won't *capsize* with the
extra load of people http://instantrimshot.com/ ) and a lot more time
for us to do paperwork without losing our minds. Just kidding. ;3 But if
you're interested in going to conventions and didn't get to last
year/are new to the club, you get priority as always! Stay excited!! 

Secondly, our weekly screening is tomorrow! YAAYY! ☆☆☆ We'll be
continuing our usual lineup, starting with Nozaki-kun and finishing off
with Jojo! Pizza and fun abound! Please do come by. 

Thank you all for staying tuned and coming by! We love you lots~. 

- Gabriella ♪ ❤ ♪ ❤ ♪ 


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