[Animeclub] Future Events and Plans!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Fri Oct 31 17:07:19 EDT 2014


Hey Guys, 

So, we're sending out this email just to give you an idea of what's on
the horizon for club in the future! You don't need to do anything now in
terms of giving us information or interest, this is just us telling you
what's coming up so it's on your radar. A lot of this information is
/definitely/ subject to change, but it's best to plan ahead and figure
things out as soon as we can. 

 	* End of Semester Screening!

Traditionally, our final screening of the semester is when we get
special meeting food (perhaps Ginger Garden or some other more expensive
place on Delivery Express)! But this year, there's been talk amongst us
and you guys about having a marathon meeting to finish up every single
show on our lineup/watch more of the ones that are longer -- so, since
our last possible screening date is December 12th, that sounds like a
good time to have our big party marathon meeting! We'll discuss it more
this coming Friday, and figure out just what we want to do. But either
way, we're excited!! 

 	* Conbust!

This is the local convention held at Smith College. It's held from March
27th - 29th, and it's one PVTA bus away! It's a smaller con that's fun
to meet fans and friends locally at, and they have a cute rave-esque
dance on Saturday night. We try to catch a bus to go together every
year, so as that day approaches, we'll send out an email about buses we
can all hop on together at a given time. Going out to dinner is always a
special treat, too! We'd recommend a place called Noodles, a little ways
down and across the street from the Academy of Music -- it's Gabriella's
favorite place in town. ;3 

 	* Anime Boston!

The moment you've all been waiting for!

This con is held from April 3rd - 5th, and we'll most likely be leaving
Thursday night (as we did for AAC), which would be April 2nd. Our trip
cap is 25 people MAX, though it may end up being less as we get closer
to the deadline (in order to fit the Fundcom trip limitations) -- we
can't take any more than that, since we gotta request the trip with as
much detail as possible sooner than later. We don't need names or
information anytime soon, but that's the general deets as we have them
now. We're aiming to book rooms in the Sheraton asap. 

That's all for now! If you guys have any questions, please email us
about them! Seeya next Friday! 

- Gabriella ☆ 

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