[Animeclub] Screening Tonight~!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Fri Oct 3 15:15:59 EDT 2014



So, as you all know, our weekly screening is tonight! We're excited and
we hope you are too!! 

We'll be discussing some details about AAC, including driving stuffs and
roomies. If you're attending tonight, please keep this in mind and start
thinking about it! By the end of next week, we should have the full plan
of who's staying in whose room, who's going in which vehicle, and all
other aspects of the trip a-go. Can you believe it's only in 13 DAYS??
AAAAAAAAH!! So excited!!! 

Once all our housekeeping is done, we'll get right into our usual
lineup, Bizarre Shoujo Fullmetal Cowboy Gods! Or something like that. It
sounds cool. Bonus points if you draw a picture of a bizarre shoujo
fullmetal cowboy god and show it to us. 

See you all there!! 

- Gabriella ♫ 

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