[Animeclub] Future Events and Plans!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Sun Nov 2 16:06:33 EST 2014


Oh, yeah! Thanks for checking, but we've already managed to get things
rolling on our end. I don't wanna go into details yet because it's still
early in the process, but everything is on its way to being fully
figured out. 

Thanks for your concern, though. c: We really appreciate how generous
everybody has been so far this year. 

- Gabriella 

On 11/02/2014 01:27 AM, John C. Watson wrote: 

> On 31 October 2014, at 17:07, Gabriella Oddo wrote:
> [Re: Anime Boston]
>> We're aiming to book rooms in the Sheraton asap.
> They're not available yet (I *just* checked the AB Web site's front 
> page and
> forums), but they should be fairly soon. I'll post here once the 
> reservations
> are opened.
> Ciao,
> John C. Watson
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