[Asianmedia] Super (not so) Secret Screening Bonus Level

Eli Friedberg ef11 at hampshire.edu
Sat May 10 02:24:44 EDT 2014


Hi all, 

As a tiny little handful of you might remember, at the end of last
semester we had an unofficial "super secret screening" wherein we got
takeout chicken wings and marathoned the entirety of Madoka in one
night. It was a lot of fun! So now, at the end of this semester, and
with several key members graduating, I've been talking with some of our
Super Secret Veterans about organizing another such event as a sendoff.
And this time, everyone's invited! 

We're looking at doing our tomorrow night (or… tonight, technically),
hopefully in FPH if there are open rooms. Exact timing is still up in
the air (depending on when people are available), but I'd like to try
and start some time around 7-8 in the evening - you know, the same
timeframe as a regular screening. If you're coming, you'll probably want
to bring $$$ (for food) and an appetite (also for food). 

As far as what to screen, I'm thinking at the moment that we could do
one of two Gainax classics: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (a
spoof/dramady series as only Gainax could make one) or Gunbuster (one of
their first hits, and the directorial debut of Evangelion's Hideaki
Anno). Anyone with suggestions for other 12-13 episode series we could
watch is free to email me beforehand or bring them in person, and we'll
see what everyone wants. 

Hope to see you there - and if not, have a good summer (and/or rest of
your life)! 

 - Eli 

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