[Asianmedia] Don't panic/itinerary update!

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Mon Mar 17 17:57:40 EDT 2014

AB has emailed me saying our extension request went through like gabi said.
I freaked out because today was the ending date for pre-reg if we needed
it, but i emailed them again going GUYS WHAT'S HAPPENING, and they
literally responded with:

"Hi Katherine,

That's right, your group is NOT cancelled."

bless. hopefully we should be getting our passes soon. Remember to print
them, and bring acceptable photo ID [license, state ID, etc. School ID is a
bit slippery though I think they've accepted them before.]

We are *not* meeting at the bus circle. Well, sort of.

People in the personal car and zipcar, i.e, Grace and my group, meet in the
bus circle and pack up at 8AM.

PARKING LOT* *WITH GABI AND ANNIE* [look at that excessive bold]  to get
the vans. Gabi, I'll help you through obtaining the vans one we're there.
Meet at 8AM sharp unless something happens! We need some time to get the
vans sorted out. They need to go to phys. plant and get gassed up! We may
follow them there and park for the few minutes it takes, or head off.
Depends on traffic, and since zach is in a seperate car, we do need all
three of us to be together to open the rooms, so leaving together is pretty
important. We'll see what's up. Worse comes to worse, we wait a few minutes
either at phys plant or the lobby :P

Reason we can't have people leaving earlier is simple: check-in. Zach, Pat
and I all have to check into the rooms to open them. We'll then chill in
the lobby and hand out the keycards to yer group and head up the elevator,
yadda yadda.
This is a larger con than AAC, and I know my way around it pretty well.
There are maps they give you at pre-reg, blah blah--but finding your way to
the con center is pretty easy. You go over a sky bridge and..uh..
follow the cosplayers. Legit. no matter where you are, ask a
cosplayer/follow a cosplayer and yer good.

Any questions, lemme know.

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