[Asianmedia] Katsu: places to eat and info and stuff.

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Mon Feb 3 14:19:41 EST 2014

I found this through friends who are also crying over the con:


It's a handy list of places to eat around the area, and comments about how
pricey they are, etc. Our Lovely Lady who knows the con and its area can
probably give good advice too??

If you're on a SAGA unlimited meal plan [aka live in the dorms], you can
contact them and ask about packing lunches for you. I highly suggest
packing stuff beforehand blah blah con mother

I have absolutely no knowledge of the area whatsoever, soooooo...please be
safe, don't die, be responsible etc. I worry, it's a problem. And for
reference, my number is:
413-658-5693! No idea how the reception is there, but I guess we'll find
And before I forget, we're leaving around:

7:45-8 AM from Hampshire Bus Circle on Thursday, February 13th.

should be arriving [barring traffic and stuff] around 5pmish? Which is
actually great, since we'll be making regular checkin (an hour after,
actually)...I'll have to call and ask about that.

Leaving FROM the con at IDK.
Our checkout I believe is at 11 or 12. I'll request late checkout, but we
should probably have our stuff in the cars around that time. I'm leaving
departure time up primarily to the drivers, for safety reasons. They're the
ones driving back more than likely in the dark for multiple hours! Plus,
the cars are due back around midnight, a la Cinderella.

Meghan, if you have suggestions for a route I can plug into google maps for
directions, let 'er rip!

Ummmm, what else. There was something else..oh yeah! Parking!
I don't think we have that much for parking, and it shouldn't BE that much,
so please pool your money within your cars [should be around 40-50 bucks a
car???] to either pay in cash, or pay to someone who's using a credit card
or something.
Zipcars have EZ passes, so we should be alright on that.

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