[Animeclub] This Week's Meeting + AB Drivers!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Mon Dec 8 21:50:42 EST 2014


Hey Guys! 

So as we discussed last time (if you weren't there), Fundcom hasn't
replied to our event funding request. :C Everyone agreed that we should
bring in $5 a person so we can pitch in to get Ginger Garden food, which
is woooonderful! It'll be worth it, trust us. 

We'll be staying up late late late, and watching as much anime as we can
until we DIE! Yaaay! Entering the void has never been so thrilling! Get
ready for the marathon! 

Secondly, we are meeting with Pam Tinto on Wednesday to finalize our
Risk Management process for Anime Boston -- this means that once we come
back in January, we've got the green light to start the buying and fund
requesting process! So, if you are a prospective driver, pleeeeease
shoot us an email if you think you can drive! 

Remember, AB is April 3 - 5th, and we may likely be leaving on the 2nd
to go there, if all goes well! Please think carefully, and let us know
if you will be able to drive vans (preferable) or personal vehicles to
the con! 

See you on Friday!! Be excited!! And don't forget to bring $5 to pitch


- Gabriella ♫ 

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