[Asianmedia] We are now giving CEL-1

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Wed Sep 25 14:31:24 EDT 2013

I don't know how you access it? But you can now count us as CEL 1 and sign
up for it online.
To help out the club, we simply ask that you help us during meetings [help
bring up food, shush people, ocassionally help bring in anime or lend us a
laptop for screening] and with trips. I'll be FINALLY asking for help with
trips this year, so that's the BIGGEST part to you getting CEL1! Thanks so
And sorry for constant yelling about AAC
Our deadline are all basically within this week and when I hit con time- *I
freak out*. But I don't hate any of you!
Capping IS at 15, and i'll keep you updated!

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