[Asianmedia] UNOFFICIAL super secret edgy alt meeting

ef11 at hampshire.edu ef11 at hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 6 12:58:29 EDT 2013

What is up Asianmedia?

I've gotten word through the grapevine that there will be no meeting  
tonight; something about Hampfest, and bureaucracy, and so forth.

So tonight, when anybody who's interested meets up in FPH around 7 to  
watch some media that may or may not be Asian in origin, it will NOT  
be an official meeting of the Hampshire College Asian Media Club.

Tonight, when anybody who shows up can bring whatever Asian  
media-themed DVDs or hard drives or whatever they like to watch, no  
matter how crazy or mind-melting or weird they may be, it will NOT be  
for an officially recognized screening of the Hampshire College Asian  
Media Club.

Tonight, when we order pizza with all the damn toppings we want, it  
will NOT be on the dime of the Hampshire College Asian Media Club.

This is NOT the Hampshire College Asian Media Club.


   - Eli

(PS: The password is "uguu".)

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