[Asianmedia] Can YOU pay your own katsu registration?

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Thu Nov 7 12:28:17 EST 2013

We need like...3-4 people to pay for their own reg.
Reminder that the trip iiiis capped, Pam wants us to take a maximum of like
12 people. At the next meeting I'll be taking a headcount.

KATSU IS SO CLOSE I CAN FEEL IT. we just need the:

And phone numbers of people who can pay their own reg.
It's 60$ for reference!

Hopefully this means we can start booking shit next week-and HOPEFULLY this
means our hotel won't be sold out by then. If it is, we'll have to find
another hotel and resubmit the request and *i will burn a village* but it
shouldn't be too awful.
Anyways, plz email me back with the subject of like "katsu registration" or
something if you can!

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