[Asianmedia] Night mythos

ef11 at hampshire.edu ef11 at hampshire.edu
Fri May 3 15:12:51 EDT 2013

I am actually leaving campus tomorrow so I was sorta hoping there  
would be one last Asianmedia screening to attend. :(

Well. Anyone who isn't going to Night Mythos should let me know and we  
can chill in FPH and watch wacky stuff. (Or serious stuff. Who knows.)

  - Eli

PS: Are we still doing that Anime Boston thing this summer? Or am I  
misremembering it?

Quoting Katherine Roman <ker10 at hampshire.edu>:

> Aight guys, I may call it on the screening tonight. Night mythos is
> tonight, and by golly do we not want to miss that! Tim's Fare Thee Well
> screening is next week, though!
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