[Asianmedia] Want to come to anime boston~?

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Mon Feb 4 14:21:04 EST 2013

Ohohoho, its..sort of that time of year again. I'm a signer for Asian
Media, and I've been told to ask around for interest in going to Anime
Boston this year--may 24th-26 in Boston, MA. Basically, the school really
liked us on our last trip, and despite saying that we wouldnt do it again
this year, the subject of summer trips came up and I got jumped on--so this
is just to gather interest. We have room for approximately 5-7 more people
to join up, and would like to know:

1]Would you like to go? [things you should know about this: you will have
to get there on your own, because summer. We're just providing possible
roomspace and definitely registration.]

2]CAN you go? [Check your calendar now!]

This is mostly to gather interest, so please respond to me personally! THe
nice thing is, the process will be possibly the smoothest its ever been,
since we won't have to do transportation. But yes, let me know so I can get
back to the CLA. [Marie would really like us to try this out]

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