[Asianmedia] It's that time to start gathering Anime Boston names!

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Tue Dec 31 15:59:38 EST 2013

We have roughly 13 spots available for AB, our last con of the year! There
are a few people on the priority list, Joe being one of them [and I forget
the other two Dx] so if you'd like to go, please email me with the subject
heading: Anime Boston Info and include the following!

Badge name [i believe they take this!]
Phone number:

I thiiink that's it. If you've never been to a con before and would like to
go, I'd love to give you priority to try and even things out.
Reasons we can't take more people: not enough vans D:  the 12 person van is
apparently broken as was one of the other 8 persons. Same funding issues as
usual and Pam put a cap on us, especially because of how fucky Katsu is

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