[Asianmedia] katsucon badges info!

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Mon Dec 9 11:39:56 EST 2013

Just making sure everyone gave me their information,
Keith, I still need yours!
But I have both Jesses', Pats, Gabi's, Annie's, Chandra, Ivana's, I believe
I have Matt's and Lisette's and Meghans...whose am I missing?

That's...15, I believe that's all there is!

Also, note on Anime Boston, Isaiah, Joe and Konstantine have not been able
to go to cons/Katsu, so ya'll get priority on the list along with drivers.
I will *try* to get us a fourth room, but funding is currently done for the
semester! I'll try my hardest. If anyone is here over Jan Term, esp. Other
signers, it'd be great if you could talk to fundcom about this. The info
for the hotel is on the approved list of trips on zoho.

But if it doesn't work out, we'll try and bring as many people as we can
without Pam flipping a shit. If we get four rooms, that'll be five to a
room, which isn't bad at all, and I'd like to bring more people :3.
Currently, we're in the con hotel. So hopefully it doesn't sell out!

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