[Asianmedia] A note about CEL-1!

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Fri Dec 6 01:59:08 EST 2013

Psh, I'll say you guys have gone to ALL the hours.
Also, totally count convention hours in there-I'll note that.
If you haven't gone to a con, no worries! We do have anime boston coming
up, and CEL-1 I'm also giving on who has kept in contact with me and been
cooperative, etc.

That's what we need from you guys and so far everyone is doing great :3

Remember though, in the future-I send out a lot of shit to this mailing
address. If people aren't keeping in contact with *me*, Zach (zsm11) or
Izzy (isv11), then there's little we can do to communicate with you about
cons, etc. Like, *very* little.
The group has a facebook page which I'll update and will probably be more
convienent for you guys to keep up with.
So I'm totally giving CEL-1 based on you guys helping out through cons,
suggestions, coming to screenings, and legit *being nice*.

Am I a pushover yet? Probably xD

But yes! My constant worry is that people don't realize how challenging
signing can be, and that despite how much I'd like to be like GUYS DO THIS
THING FOR ME, there's very little I can actually give to you guys! I often
worry that people don't like me as a person, and hope that's not the case.
My mission is to get people to cons, BATTLE PAM TINTO WHICH IS THE WORST
THING especially when she panics and freaks and sends me an email i get in
the shower [that is where you check your email obviously] saying our entire
trip is busted...etc. It's a lot of work.

For now, there's one thing you can do! And that's split yourselves up into
hotel rooms. 4 rooms, about 17 people (which is a *lot*. i want to bring
more to AB but we didn't have the budget. Maybe I can squeeze more out of
fundcom~ we'll see. It's a lot of paperwork and meetings Dx)

so...about 4 people per room? Damn that's good!
Also, stuff like taking care of your hotel room keys and not getting us
kicked out of a hotel (it's happened before!) is awesome.

Note: we got the con hotel for AB
this means *elevator parties.*
ironic i'd mention that right under the behavior thing but ppfftt
But yes!

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