[Asianmedia] WELCOME.

Tristan Athearn-Hess eltristo at me.com
Thu Sep 13 12:32:01 EDT 2012

OG Asian media signer here:
Good to see you guys still going strong, and good to see you really laying down the law on laptops (it's been an issue since Asian Media started way back in the day). Now for the important bit:

I have the archive of pretty much everything we watched for the first three years. I'll be stopping by for Deathfest, and bringing the archive with me. If you want to see some older stuff and expand your own animu libraries that'll be the time to do it. 

Your Super Ultra OG senpai-
Tristan Athearn-Hess
Hampshire '08

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 13, 2012, at 12:19 PM, ker10 at hampshire.edu wrote:

> A welcome email is actually kind of hard to write, so I'll just start getting down to the nitty gritty.
> Asian Media, shitgiggles.
> ~Well, well well, what are you doing this Friday night? Fridays we *screen anime, for the most bit* in *one of the lecture halls* at *7pm*. I get out of work at 8, so I'll be a bit late, if my schedule allows me to show up that much. We also show other forms of asian media, and are open to suggestions. I personally like martial arts movies, and would like to screen more of them. Bollywood, drama and other stuff is also up for grabs. We screen between 3-5 shows, and you can drop in for whatever. They go in an order, so you should be able to gauge when you'd like to drop in.
> We are attempting to go to a convention--for the past two years we've taken a trip to Anime Boston. This year, while NYCC would've been fun [its also NYAF so bleh], the time constraints were ridiculous. We may attempt to go to Katsucon this year, but it all depends on a lot of stuff. Planning a con is -A LOT OF FREAKING WORK- and by that I mean MONTHS OF IT. Plus, Katsucon is in Maryland/near it. We'd need a crapton of transport.
> Anyways: We encourage fun, but we do have some rules that are pretty general for screening clubs.
>  Pretty simple stuff. Firstly, your signers are Tim Caroll, recognizable by his large grin and mighty aura; Kate Morris, THE BABBY, and me: Kat. I have red hair and swear a lot. RESPECT US. We want meetings to run smoothly and everyone to have fun, and we're your friends but there is a chain of command. Stefan Terry, former signer who left for Japan and is now back is also assisting as an..Assistant Signer dude. He doesn't fill out paperwork, but he knows his shit, has been around for an assload of time and -will be respected-. He's your goddamn senpai.
> Now, the more simple stuff.
> -We have food, generally, at meetings. It's usually pizza, but may be other things. Always inform us of an allergy. We get cheese pizza, meaty pizza and veggie pizza with no cheese, usually [for the vegans/lactose intolerants], and if need be we can invest in a gluten free crust if you have an issue that deems it a necessity.
> -DO NOT RUSH TO THE FOOD. WE ORDER IT PARTWAY IN, DO NOT RUSH THE FRONT TABLE. WAIT UNTIL THE SIGNERS SAY YOU CAN COME DOWN AND GET FOOD IN AN ORDERLY FASHION. If you master this technique on friday, Lauren won't have to slaughter anyone at Excalibur on Saturday. It's really important to keep order and not have things get messy.
> -TALKING DURING SHOWS IS RUDE. Quiet comments to your neighbors: okay, but we don't want  to hear your opinion of a show constantly. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, LEAVE.
> -LAPTOP USAGE: if you NEED TO DO WORK [not be on anything else, especially watching or listening to something seperate], sit in the BACK ROW WITH THE BRIGHTNESS ON YOUR LAPTOP TURNED THE FUCK DOWN. Please also silence cell phones and take calls outside.
> -Getting antsy, need to move around a bit? Quietly head outside to the foyer and frolic. I know I'm not the only one who can't sit still for long periods of time.
> -Don't be a dick.
> Have fun! See you 7pm in FPH on Friday.
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