[Asianmedia] Last screening!

David Edward Nishball den09 at hampshire.edu
Thu May 3 23:42:12 EDT 2012

Another option is having a bonus screening (sans food of course) some time
during next week before people leave.  Something to consider.

Quoting Samurai Terry <stefan.samurai.terry at gmail.com>:

> though at lower quality, all the shows on the list can be streamed at
> animeseason.com
> or
> animecrazy.net
> the former is in general a cleaner, nicer site, but the latter has a bigger
> series listing.
> We always have dead week before the normal screening can start at the
> beginning of the semester, so if anyone is interested, I see no reason why
> we can't squeeze in at least one or two endings in there.
> Until next time
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