[Asianmedia] AB Aftermath

David Edward Nishball den09 at hampshire.edu
Thu May 3 22:59:52 EDT 2012

Dear Asian Media Club,

As you all know, I was one of the drivers for the excursion to Anime Boston.
Out of the goodness of my heart I agreed to use my own car to take people on
Friday morning, and back Sunday night.  I also spent more than $150 dollars out
of pocket on parking and gas during the trip.

I am told that the car fund has been completely consumed by the other two
drivers, leaving none for me.

I know that everyone who rode on the David Nishball Starship Experience
contributed, and the agreement was that I would be reimbursed for my expenses
through said fund.  But due to some unscrupulous people not contributing, now
both my passengers and I have egg on our faces.  I knew that I would perform
this service at a loss, but to give so much and get nothing in return was not
an outcome I foresaw.

Personally, I feel exploited.

Those of you who have still yet to contribute, please talk to Kat and get things
square.  I would hate for this to sour our relationship, Asian Media.  Very sad.

-David "I got those Anime Blues" Nishball

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