[Asianmedia] Food stuff!

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Sun Jan 29 00:08:16 EST 2012

Just a quick reminder, guys, Asian Media is NOT your dinner. Please be polite
with the food. We don't get a lot, we don't have a lot of money, we just ask a
few things. Wait more than ten seconds before taking another slice [2 for
starters is good], and ask if anyone would like the last few slices before
taking them.

Would anyone like it if the signers switched up the food? [We'd have to talk
about it, this is just an idea that popped into my head]

Just, key point that was brought up at Excalibur and I found to be relevant--we
are not your meal providers. Ya'll got Saga, or at least a kitchen!
But yeah. Have a good night!

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