[Asianmedia] Updated AB list--double check to see

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Fri Feb 17 13:50:35 EST 2012

..If you're on it. If not and you should be, let me know ASAP.

1-	Katherine Roman
2-	Lauren Fraser
3-	Patrick Skarupa
4-	Cristina D’Ancona
5-	Nick Schacter
6-	Grace Rosen
7-	Bea Carbone
8-	Kelly Fitz
9-	Juliet Kahn
10-	Breton K Handy
11-	Zachary Mitnik
12-	Gregory Fischer
13-	Kate Morris
14-	Christian Matesanz
15-	Eli Friedman
16-	David Nishball
17-	Geoff Ivison
18-	Ian Campbell
19-	Rachel Creemers
20-	Hannah Shannon
21-	Tim Caroll
22-	Stephanie Schmidt
23-	Sarah Jenkins

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