[Asianmedia] Hello

Maya Gounard mag06 at hampshire.edu
Fri Jun 3 19:00:12 EDT 2011

Hi Eli,

Welcome to Hampshire!
This group is pretty quiet in the summer as many people stop checking
their webmail. My name is Maya and I'm a Hampshire alum who used to be
a signer for Asian Media ("signers" are students who run groups, every
group has 3 of them--woot Hampshire lingo) and still lives and works
in the valley.

I can't speak for the current group's activities, but for the most
part the group meets once a week in one of the lecture halls and
watches stuff for a few hours in the evening. The structure of the
evening when I was a student was we followed a series for the
semester, watching 2 episodes a night, and watched a movie or a few
episodes of something else. I'm pretty sure they've stuck to this
structure, but someone newer may have to correct me.
The "stuff" watched varies mostly by who the signers are and who's
coming to the club. I tried to show plenty of live action stuff in
addition to anime because I like it--most of the series we watched
were anime (excepting Hana Kimi) and most of the movies were live
action. I also really like watching random stuff and frequently would
ask whoever showed up what they wanted to watch out of what was
available (some of us have built some interesting collections).

So that's about it, I was also a transfer student so if you have any
questions don't hesitate to ask :)


On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:33 AM, Eli Friedberg <gatotsu911 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey guys, my name is Eli. I've recently been accepted to Hampshire as an undergrad transfer student and will be attending starting in the fall. I've had an interest in east Asian culture and, in particular, been a big anime and video game enthusiast for many years now, and I was excited to find out that Hampshire has an anime/Asian media club. I hope to get a chance to meet all the club-goers and watch some good movies/TV series/etc. together this fall. In the meantime, I was just wondering what your club is like - what's your routine, what kinds of things do you watch/do, how many people are there, etc. Thanks for your time!!
>  - Eli
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