[Asianmedia] Jan Term shows

stefan terry pucedragonlord at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 20:12:27 EST 2011

Hello mailing list members, and welcome back if you're here.

I have a couple of announcements, first and foremost being we are doing
shows over January.
Related is that we are no longer on wednesdays--Asian Media has moved to
Friday nights, 7-midnight.  It seems like a lot of time, but with a short
intermission in the middle it's really quite doable and a lot more fun
because it allows us to show more shows and do things like what we're doing
for Jan Term.
"And what, exactly, are we doing for January Term?" you may ask. Well, we're
doing a full marathon of *The Big O*, which far too many people have told me
to show.  "But that's 26 episodes of awesome old-school giant robot batman!
However will we have the time?" you may then ask.  And as I have said
before, we're now Friday nights, 7-midnight.  We have plenty of time.  So
much time, in fact, that we may even be able to show a movie at the end of
it all.

Other announcements are that we have a new signer: Mike will, sadly, be
vanishing in the near future, so Kat has agreed to step up and keep our club
alive.  Be nice to her and do as she says.
Finally, Anime Boston is still on.  If you want in on the trip, send an
e-mail to smt09, or ker10 both @hampshire.edu and we'll slap you on our
list.  If you can offer rides, well, we'll slap you on out list even faster,
'cause we need drivers.

See you friday

Stefan "Samurai" Terry
How much of life is really there,
and how much in your head?

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