[Asianmedia] Post Anime Boston stuff!

Katherine Elisabeth Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Wed Apr 27 16:43:38 EDT 2011

What a way to end the year, huh? HUH?!

Aside from a few burps on Friday with people arriving at different times and the
room keys being lost...which resulted in them ALL being deactivated and augh.
That was a NIGHTMARE.

Anyways, aside from that, it was a pretty good con in my view. I was as usual,
busy with maybe 10 minutes of downtime a day, BUT IT WAS STILL GOOD.
Transportation worked perfectly, we left on time, we got back on time, and
hopefully everyone had a good time!

The rave of course, had its creepers ( a few of which I faithfully krumped the
shit out of to get their half naked selves off my womenfolk), as did the entire
con (tell me about it ;_; I got an entire group of bros with aviators and all
yelling me down with "WE'RE LOCO FOR YOKO!" and attempted grope-age. WHY

[however, if we do this next year, and you see guys grinding on your friends and
they don't look too happy about it, please -do something- about it.]

ANYWAYS. REIMBURSEMENTMENTMENT for drivers will be as follows:

split the cost of stuff with your driver, that is all. Anything else extra,
we'll see if we can pick  up by having people who didn't pay or just everyone
chip in a dollar or two.

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