[Asianmedia] Anime Forever!, an update

John C. Watson jwatson8 at comcast.net
Thu Oct 22 08:07:03 EDT 2009

Greetings and felicitations.  Being both curious and an anime fan,  I've 
been inquiring about of what the program for Anime Forever! will consist, 
and have received the following information from the organizers:

"At this time, the students have decided to keep the name of the film to 
be screened 'under wraps'. We are hoping that it will be our 'treat' in 
time for the trick or treat of Halloween. :) However, you can be assured 
we are showing an anime that is a [kid friendly] fan favorite and by a 
well-known anime director."

For those who have missed prior announcements, a recap:

When: 7:00 PM Wednesday 28 October
Where: Rm 137 Isenberg School of Management, UMass (it's right next to 
      Haigis Mall)
What: 1) Cosplay/costume contest!! With prizes!
      2) A sing-a-long
      3) A screening of a classic fan favorite


The flyer may be downloaded from here:


Maps and bus schedules:




(Thanks to Maya at Hampshire for most of the recap info. ^_^ )

     John C. Watson

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