[Asianmedia] Fwd: Densha Otoko; Masculinity and Otakudom in the 21st Century Japan Lecture

John C. Watson jwatson8 at comcast.net
Sat Apr 11 09:16:25 EDT 2009

(I've deleted the (978.1 KB) attachment, but otherwise this is repeated 

----- "UMass Anime" <umass.anime at gmail.com> wrote:

> Greeting, Members of the Anime Club,
> I am forwarding this email to you, in hopes that some of you might be
> interested in attending this lecture.
> While Professor Baird has included some links to some information, I
> thought that I might also include a link to one of the manga, if you
> were so inclined to read it.
> http://www.onemanga.com/Densha_Otoko/
> I hope that you might be intrigued, and will attend!
> Christiane Leger
> UMAMC Webmaster
> <quote>
> Dear Manga and Anime Club Officers,
> I would like to invite you to the next Five College Japan Lecture
> featuring Susan Napier, and I would appreciate it if you could
> forward this along to your listserve.
> Susan Napier, Tufts University, Monday April 13th at 5:30 PM
> 133 School of Management, UMass
> “Where Have All the Salarymen Gone? Masculinity and Otakudom in
> 21st
> Century Japan.�
> This lecture will specifically focus on Densha Otoko (Train Man),
> which has been expended into five different manga, as well as other
> media such as TV shows, and a movie.
> If you don't already know about Densha Otoko, you can familiarize
> yourself with the phenomenon by looking at an extensive article on
> Wikipedia which has links to the archives of the original 2Channel
> internet forum in both Japanese and English translation.  Also there
> are entire episodes from the made-for-TV version available (split up
> into 10 minute clips) on Youtube.
> See:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Densha_Otoko
> http://www.geocities.co.jp/Milkyway-Aquarius/7075/trainman.html
> http://www.rinji.tv/densha/
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46fmLF2sTIE
> Looking forward to seeing you.
> Best,
> Bruce
> PS.  I am enclosing a flier for the talk in pdf format.  Feel free to
> pass it along.
> Bruce Baird
> Assistant Professor
> Asian Languages and Literatures
> University of Massachusetts Amherst
> Butô, Japanese Theater, Intellectual History
> 717 Herter Hall
> 161 Presidents Drive
> University of Massachusetts Amherst
> Amherst, MA 01003-9312
> Phone: 413-577-4992
> Fax: 413-545-4975
> baird at asianlan.umass.edu
> </quote>


Note that the (Isenberg) School of Management is between Haigis Mall 
(where the Five College buses stop) and the main road, North Pleasant 


     John C. Watson

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