[Asianmedia] Anime con this year?

Athena Currier abc06 at hampshire.edu
Fri Aug 22 14:40:03 EDT 2008

Hey Asian Media,

Figured this might interest some of you folks as well: the Comics Collective
signers have been talking about organizing a trip down to the Small Press Expo
(SPX) in Bethesda, Maryland this October 4 & 5.  It's basically a big ol'
alternative comics fest.  For more info:

http://www.spxpo.com/  (check out the "Exhibitor" section to see who's coming)

The hope is that Comics Collective could pay for the main travel expenses
(bus(es), hotel room(s)), the way the Arisia trips have worked in the past.  If
you have any interest in this trip, send me an email soon, 'cause we're trying
to figure out how large a group to expect.

-Athena "Wishes She Were Chris Sommer" Currier

Quoting Tristan Athearn-Hess <tba04 at hampshire.edu>:

> Hey continuing asian media peoples, I know I'm no longer a signer...
> *sniffle*
> but I just want to remind you that there is ConBust at smith every year. I
> know, I know, its not as major an undertaking as the ones below, but it is
> something just to bear in mind. Hopefully I'll be dropping by at some point
> to
> visit, so what days is asian media happening this year?
> Tristan
> Quoting Ananda Valenzuela <agv07 at hampshire.edu>:
> > Hey all!
> >
> > Since Anime Boston will not be occurring during the school year this
> > upcoming year, do we intend to go to another convention? I, at least, would
> > love to... There's nothing going on closeby (ie 2-3 hours from Amherst) in
> > the spring, so we would have to go in the fall.... Which means we would
> need
> > to get the event form in to ficom before the 25th, which is coming right
> > up.... I vote we go to a con, what do you all think?
> >
> > Here's a couple this fall that aren't too far away:
> >
> > http://www.animecons.com/events/info.shtml/1491
> >
> > http://www.animecons.com/events/info.shtml/1665
> >
> > http://www.animecons.com/events/info.shtml/1527
> >
> > So.... Signers? What say you?
> >
> > Take care,
> >
> > Ananda
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