[Asianmedia] First meeting

Tristan Athearn-Hess tba04 at stout.hampshire.edu
Sat Sep 8 15:15:56 EDT 2007

Hello everyone!

A few things. Firstly, this semester we will be meeting on Thursday  
nights at 8pm in the East lecture hall of FPH. Secondly, we will have  
a table up for HampFest.

As for our first meeting, it will be a combination introduction to  
the group for first years, a discussion on the events we have  
planned, and a brainstorming session on what people want to see this  
year, including our running series (I'm personally hoping to show  
Last Exile, but we'll see). We will be showing the first episodes of  
a few shows, too, to help give people an idea of what to watch.

Hope to see all or most of you there!

Tristan "Master of the gopher-chucks?" Athearn-Hess

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