[Asianmedia] He's making a list...

Tristan Athearn-Hess tba04 at stout.hampshire.edu
Wed Oct 3 22:40:02 EDT 2007

And checking it twice. Too bad its being written in the Death Note!  
That's right, this week we're bringing you the first Death Note movie  
(the second one will probably be next week) in addition to our  
running series! The Death Note is a death god's notebook, and anyone  
whose name you write in it will die! So what happens when a bored  
genius gets his hands on it? Well, let's just say that it bodes ill  
for Japan's criminals.

Also, I want to apologize for the lack of an email last week. I had a  
lot of s**t pop up about my div III (which has now luckily been taken  
care of) and I was trying to deal with the fact that I didn't  
actually have a chair.


That's taken care of now, so here's the email!

See you, Astronautical Bovine Wranglers!
(damn... just doesn't have the same ring)


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